Thursday, December 29, 2011

imPRESS Press-on Manicure

 These nails were sent in my Influenster Holiday Voxbox for me to review. They're imPress press on nails by Broadway Nails. They come in different designs (mine was "over the moon") and colors.  This one was maroon, gold and a dusty rose pink color. Absolutely beautiful! They say to clean your nails before applying with nailpolish remover to help them stay longer. So I sat down later on the night that I got the container, which by the way is adorable! It looks like a little nailpolish bottle!, sat down and started picking out nails, which quiet honestly took me forever. Cleaned my nails with the nailpolish remover and started putting the nails on. They lasted in the hours before I went to bed but when I woke up in the morning a couple of the nails had fallen off. I couldn't put new ones one due to the fact that none of the other nails fit. They were very square on my fingers if you can tell, which I'm not use to because looking at my fingers without the nails my nails aren't that big. They were however, very easy to type with. I do a lot of typing on the computer and my phone with texting since my phone is a touch screen! I did love the color of these though they were so pretty. Is it worth the time picking out the nails for them to fall off within 24 hours? Not unless I'm going somewhere important and want a quick nail fix. Fake nails NEVER last long on me. Would I buy these again? Yes if I was going out for a night, or buy a couple packs for vacation so I could switch my nails up everyday that I'm there.

imPRESS nails sell for $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns. They are sold at 
CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reade, KMart, Walgreens, Walmart if you would like a full list of stores visit their website at , you can "try on" all 36 colors and patterns. You also get a coupon!

Thank you Influenster and Broadway Nails for letting me try these out, they're pretty cool if I say so myself! =)

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